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"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, in the expert's mind there are few" Shosin

Reiki Training

Reiki is a wonderful gift for life, it is my privilege to share it.

Reiki level I Workshop


Workshop outline:

Reiki Courses,  Bangkok

Where: Sukhumvit area, Bangkok

When: TBA

Places are limited to 6

Energy exchange: 6000 Baht


Morning tea/afternoon tea included


You will learn:

  •    The history and origins of Reiki

  •    What is Reiki

  •    The Reiki principles

  •    The principles of energy work and healing

  •    How to do a complete Reiki treatment for yourself

  •    How to do a complete Reiki treatment for others

  •    An introduction to the chakra system

  •    Basic anatomy and function

  •    The mind-body connection


During the two days you will also receive Reiki attunements, allowing you to become a channel for Reiki energy.

On completion of the course you will be able to do Reiki healing for yourself and others with real effect.




Reiki Level II Workshop

Where: Sukhumvit Asok area, Bangkok

When: TBA

Places are limited to 6

Energy exchange: 12,000 Baht

What to expect: Some meditation, a further attunement, Lots of learning, experiencing, some discussion, some exploration and some self discovery. You will practice giving and receiving Reiki from other participants, a well as practicing distance healing.


On day one you will receive the Reiki II attunement and learn the properties uses and practicalities of the first three Reiki symbols. You will learn how to draw and use the symbols in a treatment, the wider uses of the symbols and the wider scope of Reiki (there's so much more than you might think!)


On day two You will learn and practice distance Healing, how to send Reiki forward and back in time, empowering intention setting and protections. The basics of space clearing using Reiki and Reiki Symbols.  We will also review the chakras and learn the basics of using crystals and pendulums for balancing and clearing chakras, as a valuable treatment in itself or an adjunct to a regular session.

*Advanced level and Mastership Courses arranged on request*  



White Sand and Stone




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